Juillet, 2020

31Juil(Juil 31)9 h 00 min02Août(Août 2)18 h 00 minActivité annuléeGranby International ExhibitionThis activity is canceled following government recommendations due to Covid-199 h 00 min - (Août 2) 18 h 00 min Granby international, 230 rue Drummond, Granby, Québec J2G 2S3

Détails de l'activité

Established in 1981 by the V.A.G, Granby International quickly became one of the most important vintage car elegance competitions in Canada.

The exhibition is held in Montérégie in the city of Granby which has been renamed the capital of the old car due to the importance of the event.

The Daniel Johnson Park on the shores of Lake Boivin in Granby is home to Granby International year after year. The event, which attracted more than 30,000 visitors in 2016, takes place during the last weekend of July (Friday, Saturday and Sunday).

In addition to the exhibition, the event features an auction of more than 100 vintage cars (possibility of registration on the site) and a flea market of car parts and accessories.

Owners, collectors, enthusiasts, bargain hunters, young and old alike, all are invited to this great gathering where the exhibitors and their beautiful of the past are in the spotlight.

Source: http://vadg.ca (Granby Vintage Cars)

Heure de début / fin

Juillet 31 (Vendredi) 9 h 00 min - Août 2 (Dimanche) 18 h 00 min


Granby international

230 rue Drummond, Granby, Québec J2G 2S3


Les voitures anciennes de Granby[email protected] Case Postale 36, Granby (Québec) Canada, J2G 8E2